Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy World Water Day!

Yet another totally unnecessary post on my part--who in their right mind would be stuck in front of a computer screen on the only day of the year dedicated solely to our planet's most unique and valuable resource? Regardless, take a minute today to learn some more about water issues around the globe.

To help you along, I have gone to great trouble to devise the following March Madness: Water Edition bracket (not to be confused with March Madness: Kenya Water Project Edition, which is our official Kenyan bracket pool. The winner gets a goat. Which will then be slaughtered in their honor. Except for if our friend Conner wins, in which case the goat will probably get pardoned and we will eat beans instead. I do think that there are probably more differences between the two editions besides the prize, but I cannot think of them so they are probably not important.)


1 Filtration vs. 4 Boiling

2 Chlorine vs. 3 SODIS (solar disinfection)

It's, uh, a pretty exclusive tournament. These were selected in a behind-closed-doors process from an original field of 5 entrants, so you know you're getting only the best of the best here. So do your research and send in your picks--match results will be posted here throughout the week (special bonus points for correctly picking upsets...cause, you know, I'm really unbiased and you never really know who's going to win and I do love a good Cinderella story...yeah, I'm gonna go hide all the Waterguard my project just bought now...)

Good luck!

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